
app_login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /login
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 api_liste_actions /api/liste_actions Path does not match
14 api_details_action /api/details_action Path does not match
15 api_details_ajout_action /api/details_ajout_action Path does not match
16 api_liste_destinataires /api/liste_destinataires Path does not match
17 api_add_action /api/add_action Path does not match
18 api_edit_action /api/edit_action Path does not match
19 api_reaffecter_action /api/reaffecter_action Path does not match
20 api_valider_action /api/valider_action Path does not match
21 api_ajout_Commentaire /api/ajout_Commentaire Path does not match
22 api_delete_action /api/delete_action Path does not match
23 api_liste_modules_projet /api/liste_modules_projet Path does not match
24 api_liste_annifs /api/liste_annifs Path does not match
25 api_liste_autorisations_personnels /api/liste_autorisations_personnels Path does not match
26 api_liste_autorisations_a_valider /api/liste_autorisations_a_valider Path does not match
27 api_ajouter_demande_autorisation /api/ajouter_demande_autorisation Path does not match
28 api_annuler_demande_autorisation /api/annuler_demande_autorisation Path does not match
29 api_valider_demande_autorisation /api/valider_demande_autorisation Path does not match
30 api_refuser_demande_autorisation /api/refuser_demande_autorisation Path does not match
31 api_bilan_quotidien /api/bilan_quotidien Path does not match
32 api_details_ajout_bilan /api/details_ajout_bilan Path does not match
33 api_add_bilan /api/add_bilan Path does not match
34 api_valider_bilan /api/valider_bilan Path does not match
35 api_presence_bilan /api/presence_bilan Path does not match
36 api_delete_bilan /api/delete_bilan Path does not match
37 api_list_opportunity /api/list_opportunity Path does not match
38 api_get_info_opportunity /api/get_info_opportunity Path does not match
39 api_get_tracability_opportunity /api/get_tracability_opportunity Path does not match
40 api_get_comments_opportunity /api/get_comments_opportunity Path does not match
41 api_add_comment_opportunity /api/add_comment_opportunity Path does not match
42 api_add_relance_opportunity /api/add_relance_opportunity Path does not match
43 api_liste_categories_conge /api/liste_categories_conge Path does not match
44 api_liste_conges_personnels /api/liste_conges_personnels Path does not match
45 api_liste_conges_a_valider /api/liste_conges_a_valider Path does not match
46 api_ajouter_demande_conge /api/ajouter_demande_conge Path does not match
47 api_get_heures_travail /api/get_heures_travail Path does not match
48 api_annuler_demande_conge /api/annuler_demande_conge Path does not match
49 api_valider_demande_conge /api/valider_demande_conge Path does not match
50 api_refuser_demande_conge /api/refuser_demande_conge Path does not match
51 api_list_events_personnel /api/list_events_personnel Path does not match
52 api_get_details_event /api/get_details_event Path does not match
53 api_get_data_add_event /api/get_data_add_event Path does not match
54 api_add_event /api/add_event Path does not match
55 api_edit_event /api/edit_event Path does not match
56 api_delete_event /api/delete_event Path does not match
57 api_valider_presence_event /api/valider_presence_event Path does not match
58 api_refuser_presence_event /api/refuser_presence_event Path does not match
59 api_get_data_solde /api/get_data_solde Path does not match
60 api_get_data_presence /api/get_data_presence Path does not match
61 api_get_info_personnel /api/get_info_personnel Path does not match
62 api_liste_teletravail_personnels /api/liste_teletravail_personnels Path does not match
63 api_liste_teletravail_a_valider /api/liste_teletravail_a_valider Path does not match
64 api_ajouter_demande_teletravail /api/ajouter_demande_teletravail Path does not match
65 api_valider_demande_teletravail /api/valider_demande_teletravail Path does not match
66 api_annuler_demande_teletravail /api/annuler_demande_teletravail Path does not match
67 api_refuser_demande_teletravail /api/refuser_demande_teletravail Path does not match
68 api_sychronize_token_device /api/sychronize_token_device Path does not match
69 actions_page /actions/{type} Path does not match
70 Ajout_action /nouvelle_action/{type} Path does not match
71 Modif_action /modifier_action/{type}/{id} Path does not match
72 delete_action /delete_action Path does not match
73 affecter_action /affecter_action Path does not match
74 valider_affecter_action /valider_Affectation_action Path does not match
75 valider_action /valider_action/{id} Path does not match
76 AddComment /ajout_Commentaire Path does not match
77 add_files_comment /ajout_files_commentaire/{id} Path does not match
78 delete_file_action /delete_file_action Path does not match
79 check_date_fin_action /check_date_fin_action Path does not match
80 Delais_action_list /delais_action Path does not match
81 Add_delais_action /add_delais_action Path does not match
82 Edit_delais_action /edit_delais_action/{id} Path does not match
83 Delete_delais_action /delete_delais_action Path does not match
84 Modules_list /modules Path does not match
85 Add_module /add_module Path does not match
86 Edit_module /edit_module/{id} Path does not match
87 Delete_module /delete_module Path does not match
88 Add_module_to_projet /add_module_to_projet Path does not match
89 Projets_list /projets Path does not match
90 Add_projet /add_projet Path does not match
91 Edit_projet /edit_projet/{id} Path does not match
92 Delete_projet /delete_projet Path does not match
93 modules_projet /modules_projet Path does not match
94 Add_modules_projet /add_modules_projet Path does not match
95 attaches_projet /attaches_projet Path does not match
96 add_files_project /ajout_files_project/{id} Path does not match
97 delete_file_project /delete_file_project Path does not match
98 Types_action_list /types_action Path does not match
99 Add_types_action /add_types_action Path does not match
100 Edit_types_action /edit_types_action/{id} Path does not match
101 Delete_types_action /delete_types_action Path does not match
102 direction_page /direction Path does not match
103 add_direction_page /add_direction Path does not match
104 edit_direction_page /edit_direction/{id} Path does not match
105 delete_direction /delete_direction Path does not match
106 fonction_page /fonction Path does not match
107 add_fonction_page /add_fonction Path does not match
108 edit_fonction_page /edit_fonction/{id} Path does not match
109 delete_fonction /delete_fonction Path does not match
110 groupe_page /groupe Path does not match
111 add_groupe_page /add_groupe Path does not match
112 edit_groupe_page /edit_groupe/{id} Path does not match
113 delete_groupe /delete_groupe Path does not match
114 change_services /change_services Path does not match
115 salle_page /salle Path does not match
116 add_salle_page /add_salle Path does not match
117 edit_salle_page /edit_salle/{id} Path does not match
118 delete_salle /delete_salle Path does not match
119 service_page /service Path does not match
120 add_service_page /add_service Path does not match
121 edit_service_page /edit_service/{id} Path does not match
122 delete_service /delete_service Path does not match
123 user_page /user Path does not match
124 add_user_page /add_user Path does not match
125 edit_user_page /edit_user/{id} Path does not match
126 profil_user /profil_user Path does not match
127 delete_user /delete_user Path does not match
128 reset_pwd_user /reset_pwd_user/{id} Path does not match
129 email_connexion_user /email_connexion_user/{id} Path does not match
130 user_fast_authenticate /user_fast_authenticate/{id} Path does not match
131 user_edit_roles_page /user_edit_roles/{id} Path does not match
132 autorisations_page /autorisations/{type} Path does not match
133 details_autorisation_page /details_autorisation/{type}/{id_autorisation} Path does not match
134 add_demande_autorisation /add_demande_autorisation/{type} Path does not match
135 annuler_demande_autorisation /annuler_demande_autorisation/{type}/{id_autorisation} Path does not match
136 refuser_demande_autorisation /refuser_demande_autorisation/{type}/{id_autorisation} Path does not match
137 valider_demande_autorisation /valider_demande_autorisation/{type}/{id_autorisation} Path does not match
138 validate_all_demandes_autorisation /validate_all_demandes_autorisation/{type} Path does not match
139 exporter_autorisation_vers_xsl /exporter_autorisation_vers_xsl/{type} Path does not match
140 get_count_autorisation_a_validate /get_count_autorisation_a_validate Path does not match
141 bilan_page /bilan_quotidien/{type} Path does not match
142 Add_bilan /add_bilan Path does not match
143 Delete_bilan /delete_bilan Path does not match
144 Valid_bilan /valid_bilan Path does not match
145 Presence_bilan /presence_bilan Path does not match
146 Export_bilan /export_excel_bilan/{type} Path does not match
147 client_page /client Path does not match
148 add_client_page /add_client Path does not match
149 edit_client_page /edit_client/{id} Path does not match
150 delete_client /delete_client Path does not match
151 contact_page /contact Path does not match
152 add_contact_page /add_contact Path does not match
153 edit_contact_page /edit_contact/{id} Path does not match
154 delete_contact /delete_contact Path does not match
155 dashboard_crm_page /dashboard_crm Path does not match
156 opportunity_crm_page /opportunity_crm/{nature} Path does not match
157 details_opportunity_crm_page /details_opportunity_crm/{nature}/{id_opportunity} Path does not match
158 add_opportunity_crm_page /add_opportunity_crm Path does not match
159 edit_opportunity_crm_page /edit_opportunity_crm/{id} Path does not match
160 delete_opportunity_crm /delete_opportunity_crm Path does not match
161 comment_opportunity_crm /comment_opportunity_crm Path does not match
162 save_files /save_files/{id} Path does not match
163 edit_montants_opportunity_crm /edit_montants_opportunity_crm Path does not match
164 edit_qualification_opportunity_crm /edit_qualification_opportunity_crm Path does not match
165 next_level_opportunity_crm /next_level_opportunity_crm Path does not match
166 previous_level_opportunity_crm /previous_level_opportunity_crm Path does not match
167 finish_opportunity_crm /finish_opportunity_crm Path does not match
168 suspension_opportunity_crm /suspension_opportunity_crm Path does not match
169 reactivation_opportunity_crm /reactivation_opportunity_crm Path does not match
170 reaffectation_opportunity_crm /reaffectation_opportunity_crm Path does not match
171 affectation_tache_opportunity_crm /affectation_tache_opportunity_crm Path does not match
172 relance_opportunity_crm /relance_opportunity_crm Path does not match
173 edit_champ_opportunity_crm /edit_champ_opportunity_crm Path does not match
174 export_xsl_opportunity_crm /export_xsl_opportunity_crm/{nature} Path does not match
175 delete_file_opportunity_crm /delete_file_opportunity_crm Path does not match
176 get_relances_opportunity /get_relances_opportunity Path does not match
177 get_info_next_level /get_info_next_level Path does not match
178 get_info_last_level /get_info_last_level Path does not match
179 get_info_previous_level /get_info_previous_level Path does not match
180 get_personnels_interaction /get_personnels_interaction Path does not match
181 get_personnels_to_add /get_personnels_to_add Path does not match
182 get_count_opportunity_to_do /get_count_opportunity_to_do Path does not match
183 get_alert_relance_opportunity /get_alert_relance_opportunity Path does not match
184 download_file_opportunity_crm /download_file_opportunity_crm Path does not match
185 calendar_page /calendar Path does not match
186 add_event_page /add_event Path does not match
187 edit_event_page /edit_event Path does not match
188 delete_event /delete_event Path does not match
189 validate_presence_evenement /validate_presence_evenement/{id_event} Path does not match
190 refuse_presence_evenement /refuse_presence_evenement/{id_event} Path does not match
191 get_data_heures_personnels /get_data_heures_personnels Path does not match
192 conges_page /conges/{type} Path does not match
193 details_conge_page /details_conge/{type}/{id_category_conge} Path does not match
194 show_info_demande_conge_page /show_info_demande_conge/{type}/{id_demande_conge} Path does not match
195 add_demande_conge_page /add_demande_conge/{type}/{id_category_conge} Path does not match
196 annuler_demande_conge_personnel /annuler_demande_conge_personnel/{type}/{id_demande_conge} Path does not match
197 annuler_demande_conge_valide /annuler_demande_conge_valide/{type}/{id_demande_conge} Path does not match
198 refuser_demande_conge /refuser_demande_conge/{type}/{id_demande_conge} Path does not match
199 valider_demande_conge /valider_demande_conge/{type}/{id_demande_conge} Path does not match
200 importer_piece_justificative /importer_piece_justificative/{type}/{token}/{id_demande_conge} Path does not match
201 exporter_demande_conge_vers_xsl /exporter_demande_conge_vers_xsl/{type} Path does not match
202 get_heures_travail /get_heures_travail Path does not match
203 calcul_solde /calcul_solde Path does not match
204 get_count_conge_a_validate /get_count_conge_a_validate Path does not match
205 fast_connexion_page /fast_connexion Path does not match
206 functionalityRH_page /functionalityRH Path does not match
207 add_functionalityRH_page /add_functionalityRH Path does not match
208 edit_functionalityRH_page /edit_functionalityRH/{id} Path does not match
209 delete_functionalityRH /delete_functionalityRH Path does not match
210 add_first_bloc_organigrammeRH_page /add_first_bloc_organigrammeRH Path does not match
211 add_bloc_organigrammeRH_page /add_bloc_organigrammeRH Path does not match
212 edit_bloc_organigrammeRH_page /edit_bloc_organigrammeRH Path does not match
213 delete_bloc_organigrammeRH_page /delete_bloc_organigrammeRH Path does not match
214 processRH_page /processRH Path does not match
215 processRH_details_page /processRH_details/{id_process} Path does not match
216 add_processRH_page /add_processRH} Path does not match
217 edit_processRH_page /edit_processRH/{id_process} Path does not match
218 delete_processRH /delete_processRH Path does not match
219 activate_processRH /activate_processRH/{id_process} Path does not match
220 desactivate_processRH /desactivate_processRH/{id_process} Path does not match
221 interimTemporaire_page /interimTemporaire Path does not match
222 interimTemporaire_details_page /interimTemporaire/{id_groupe} Path does not match
223 add_interimTemporaire_page /add_interimTemporaire/{id_groupe} Path does not match
224 edit_interimTemporaire_page /edit_interimTemporaire/{id_groupe}/{id_interimTemporaire} Path does not match
225 activate_interimTemporaire_page /activate_interimTemporaire/{id_groupe}/{id_interimTemporaire} Path does not match
226 desactivate_interimTemporaire_page /desactivate_interimTemporaire/{id_groupe}/{id_interimTemporaire} Path does not match
227 delete_interimTemporaire /delete_interimTemporaire Path does not match
228 responsable_page /responsable Path does not match
229 responsable_details_page /responsable_details/{id_groupe} Path does not match
230 add_responsable_page /add_responsable/{id_groupe} Path does not match
231 edit_responsable_page /edit_responsable/{id_groupe}/{id_responsable} Path does not match
232 activate_responsable_page /activate_responsable/{id_groupe}/{id_responsable} Path does not match
233 desactivate_responsable_page /desactivate_responsable/{id_groupe}/{id_responsable} Path does not match
234 delete_responsable /delete_responsable Path does not match
235 home_page /accueil Path does not match
236 heureTravail_page /heureTravail Path does not match
237 heureTravail_details_page /heureTravail_details/{id_seance} Path does not match
238 edit_heureTravail_page /edit_heureTravail/{id_heure} Path does not match
239 jourFeries_page /jourFeries Path does not match
240 add_jourFeries_page /add_jourFeries Path does not match
241 edit_jourFeries_page /edit_jourFeries/{id} Path does not match
242 delete_jourFeries /delete_jourFeries Path does not match
243 semaine_page /semaine Path does not match
244 edit_etat_semaine /edit_etat_semaine Path does not match
245 seanceTravail_page /seanceTravail Path does not match
246 add_seanceTravail_page /add_seanceTravail Path does not match
247 edit_seanceTravail_page /edit_seanceTravail/{id} Path does not match
248 delete_seanceTravail /delete_seanceTravail Path does not match
249 change_locale /change-locale/{locale} Path does not match
250 description_crm_page /description_crm/{id_version} Path does not match
251 add_description_crm_page /add_description_crm/{id_version} Path does not match
252 edit_description_crm_page /edit_description_crm/{id_version}/{id} Path does not match
253 delete_description_crm /delete_description_crm Path does not match
254 duree_action_crm_page /duree_action_crm Path does not match
255 add_duree_action_crm_page /add_duree_action_crm Path does not match
256 edit_duree_action_crm_page /edit_duree_action_crm/{id} Path does not match
257 delete_duree_action_crm /delete_duree_action_crm Path does not match
258 functionality_crm_page /functionality_crm Path does not match
259 add_functionality_crm_page /add_functionality_crm Path does not match
260 edit_functionality_crm_page /edit_functionality_crm/{id} Path does not match
261 delete_functionality_crm /delete_functionality_crm Path does not match
262 organigramme_crm_page /organigramme_crm/{id_version} Path does not match
263 add_first_bloc_organigramme_crm /add_first_bloc_organigramme_crm Path does not match
264 add_bloc_organigramme_crm /add_bloc_organigramme_crm Path does not match
265 edit_bloc_organigramme_crm /edit_bloc_organigramme_crm Path does not match
266 option_bloc_organigramme_crm /option_bloc_organigramme_crm Path does not match
267 delete_bloc_organigramme_crm /delete_bloc_organigramme_crm Path does not match
268 validate_organigramme_crm /validate_organigramme_crm/{id_version} Path does not match
269 process_crm_page /process_crm Path does not match
270 add_process_crm_page /add_process_crm Path does not match
271 edit_process_crm_page /edit_process_crm/{id} Path does not match
272 delete_process_crm /delete_process_crm Path does not match
273 version_process_crm_page /version_process_crm/{id} Path does not match
274 version_process_crm_details_page /version_process_crm_details/{id_version} Path does not match
275 add_version_process_crm_page /add_version_process_crm/{id} Path does not match
276 activate_version_process_crm /activate_version_process_crm/{id_version} Path does not match
277 delete_version_process_crm /delete_version_process_crm Path does not match
278 category_conge_page /category_conge/{type} Path does not match
279 add_category_conge_page /add_category_conge/{type} Path does not match
280 edit_category_conge_page /edit_category_conge/{id}/{type} Path does not match
281 activer_desactiver_category_conge_page /activer_desactiver_category_conge/{id}/{type} Path does not match
282 delete_category_conge /delete_category_conge Path does not match
283 configuration_conge_page /configuration_conge Path does not match
284 edit_config_solde_page /edit_config_solde/{id} Path does not match
285 edit_validity_solde_page /edit_validity_solde/{id} Path does not match
286 details_solde_conge_page /details_solde_conge/{id} Path does not match
287 add_solde_annuel_page /add_solde_annuel/{id} Path does not match
288 edit_solde_annuel_page /edit_solde_annuel/{id_solde} Path does not match
289 delete_solde_annuel /delete_solde_annuel Path does not match
290 edit_solde_circonstance_page /edit_solde_circonstance/{id_solde} Path does not match
291 soldes_conge_page /soldes_conge Path does not match
292 exporter_soldes_conge /exporter_soldes_conge Path does not match
293 app_parametrageconge_soldeconge_getsoldepersonnel /getSoldePersonnel Path does not match
294 profil_page /profil Path does not match
295 profil_change_photo /profil_change_photo/{token} Path does not match
296 back_resetting_request /change-password/request Path does not match
297 back_resetting_send_email /change-password/send-email Path does not match
298 back_resetting_check_email /change-password/check-email Path does not match
299 back_resetting_reset /change-password/reset/{token} Path does not match
300 app_login /login Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.